glass of wine

Joined Commaful

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posted the following love poems there today


  1. The Story of How We Met *

  2. Chains that Bind Us *

  3. Where Do You and I Begin? *

  4. Changes **

  5. I Want You Right Now ***


The Story of How We Met

It all began in Berkeley, California
In the spring time of 1974

One fateful afternoon
I was dozing in my high school
Physics class.

I looked up and saw
A tall, beautiful Asian women
standing looking at me.

I screamed out,
Who are you?

She disappeared
like she was beamed away from my dream.

I knew that someday I would meet the girl
In the dream

Little did I know
I would have to wait until 1982

Starting that month
I began having the same dream
Month and month and month.

Always the same.
She was saying something
To me in a strange language.

Then one day I had the dream
and knew that she was in Korea.

So I chose to go Korea
In the Peace Corps,

Somehow knowing
That I would meet her there.

One day I was in a foul mood.
I had decided to give up on dating Korean women,
And on women in general

After having had several relationships
That did not go anywhere.

I was thinking of returning to the States
For Graduate school.

That morning early in the morning
I had the last of these dreams.

This time I understood her.
She said, “Don’t worry.
We’ll meet soon.”

That evening
As I was getting off the bus
To go to my class
I saw getting off the bus
The girl in my dream.

It was she!
I was speechless.
I did not know what to do.

Over the course of the evening
I ran into her several times.
Finally I was introduced to her.

I muttered some lame excuse
About wanting to find a Korean tutor,
and got her number.

The next day she came to the gate of my base.
Where I was teaching ESL to Koreans

She said that she had to speak with me.
I told to wait in the library for about an hour,
and I would cancel class
and meet her then.

We went out for coffee.
She told me that she was madly
in love with me

And simply had to have me.

I told her I felt the same way.
I proposed five days later,
And got married one month later.

Does she believe this story?
She claims she does not believe it
Because it is impossible to be true.

But I know that there are other worlds
And other times.

In a past life we must have been together somehow.
And our love was so strong
That it crossed over the barrier of past lives.

She found me in 1974,
But it took until 1982
For us to actually meet.

And it has been 26 years
Since we met in the physical sphere
Or 37 years since the dream began

And I still recall the dream
And meeting her

I had no choice
When I met her

We were fated to be together
Until the end of this lifetime
And the next and the next





I reflect upon my life
As the sun comes up

What could I have changed
What would I have changed

If I could go back in time
What would I tell my earlier self

What would I do differently
And what have I learned

The one thing
that I would not have changed
is meeting the women of my dreams

the chance meeting on a bus
that changed everything
in a momen

tI met my fate
That day on the bus

And that is the end of the story


I Want You Right Now
I still want you

More than anything else in life
I want you\I want you next to me
I want you every moment

Of every minute

Of every day
I need you in my life

I need your wisdom

I need your kindness

I need your beauty
I need your special wit

And I need your ability

To deal with this cruel world
I need you to save me

From the demons

That haunt my Soul
For you are my soul mate

The only person
Whoever completed me

And made life worth living

Chains That Bind Us

I realize that my love for you

Is like a chain of steel


Tough as nails


and yet as your love entangles me

I realize that I embrace my imprisonment
and don’t want to venture out of my cell
Made of our years together

bit by bit we have become entangled
Where I end and you begin
Hopelessly entangled

Even if I wanted to break free
I could not
For I am you and you are me

and my fate is in your hands
and so I relax

and decide to just
Enjoy the ride of my life

as we move towards the final moments
together as we have always been

Inseparable, merged into one being

Starting at each other
wondering who is that person
of eternal mystery

That has so captured my soul
and imprisoned it in her love
And I smile thinking of your love

and the endless pleasure it has brought me
and the endless pain I have endured
just to be next to you
and part of you

Until the day I die
and we meet in the next world

Where Do I and You Begin?

I woke up one day and realized
I no longer knew

where you and I began
and where you and I ended

we had become almost one
We talked in half sentences

Knowing what the other wanted

and knowing how it would end


We ate the same foods with some resistance

because I still crave an old-fashioned American meal

but still, we were becoming more and more the same


and I feared losing myself

In your embrace

and becoming you

and you becoming me


and this fear of losing me

in the ocean of us

overwhelms me at times


but I know I will always

Return to your arms


because I cannot live

A moment without you at my side


and I know you are the same

we feel each other’s inner pain

we feel each other’s outer pain


and our history has merged

into one


and is that not the secret

of a long marriage?


Have I figured it all out

in the end, does it come to this

a merging of two souls and two bodies?


I don’t have the answers

But I don’t have any more doubts

or regrets with the path I have taken


I still look forward

to waking up each morning


Seeing you there

and knowing that every day

we have together
is a gift that I will cherish

Until my dying breath


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