Letter to Paula White

Letter to Paula White President’s Trump Spiritual Advisor

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God’s Letter to Michelle Baachman

Dear Paula.

I am curious about your statement that God “ordered you to serve President Trump and to say no to
resident Trump would be saying no to God and I won’t do that.”

You see I too have spoken to God and he told me something quite different.  God appeared to me in a dream.  He was a black man, looked like Morgan Freeman.  He had a deep base voice and he had a message to Jim Baaker and others who claim to speak to God.  God he said does not speak to Idiots and I did not anoint Donald Trump who is far from Godly.  He begged me to write to you and tell you to STFU.  Hence this letter. Let’s get to it.

You claim without providing any evidence that you spoke with God. First of all, how did God speak to you? Did he come to you in a Dream? Did he appear in person? Did he talk to you on the phone? Did he speak English? If you saw God, what did What did look like? Was he white? Was he black? Was he Asian? Was he Jewish? Was he Arab? Was he blond? Did he have a beard? If so, was it white? What color eyes did he have? Was God Male? or Female? Gay or straight? Was he old? young? middle age? What did he sound like? Morgan Freeman? Clint Eastwood? or someone else? Did he speak English? Spanish? Arabic? French? Russian? Or did you hear him in your head?  Is God a republican?  is he a democrat? is he independent?  Did he vote? if so where? and what ID did he use? Does he even have an ID?  what state does he live in?  California? Florida? Montana?

If you spoke on the phone what is the phone number to God? what is his twitter account? his Facebook address? How much did the call cost? Did he call you? Or did he call you? Did he tweet you? Facebook friend you? Instant message you? WHATSAP you? Did you record it? Do you have a transcript of the call?

When did God speak to you? where was he calling from? what time zone? what country? what planet? or was it heaven?

What exactly did God say to you?

and how do you know it was God?

Did he identify himself as God saying this is God speaking? What did he call himself? God, Yahweh, Allah?
Could it have been voices in your head?

Have you seen a doctor about these aural and visual hallucinations you are hearing and seeing? Had you been drinking before talking to God? Taking drugs? Running? Were you sleeping when God appeared in your dream? Or were you wide awake and God was in the room live and physically real? Did you touch God? Did he touch you?


why did God speak to you? Why are you his spokesperson?
did he explain that?

Did God tell you that he is supporting Donald Trump and that he made him President and order you to support him? Again did God explain why he is supporting God?

There are almost 8 billion people on earth. Why is he speaking to you and only you?
Why is God supporting Trump anyway? I mean Paula, seriously, Trump is almost the anti-Christ in his actions and behavior. Hardly God like and he certainly is not following the words of Jesus. and he does not go to Church anyway.

donald trump the anti-Christ?

if you have a chance to talk to God tell him to call me. I have lots of questions for God.
thank you for reading this and I hope that you get some help as you are seriously deluded if you
believe that God is speaking to you.

Oh here are some poems I wrote on this theme. I hope you find them amusing.

Poems about God

Here are some of my poems about God. Comments welcomed. And if I offend people, well you are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to my opinion.

God Does Not Talk to Idiots

Every day
There is another outrageous statement
From this preacher or that preacher

Saying that God spoke to them
And told them that Trump

Was anointed by God himself
And would bring us all to the promised land

Well I hate to bring it up
But felt that I must

If God exists
And is all powerful

Why would he waste his time
Talking to these idiot preachers?

And why would he anoint Trump
The most ungodly of all politicians

How do these preachers know
It is God calling

Does God speak to them?
And what does God sound like?

How did God talk to them?
On the phone? By email? By tweet
Or by visions or voices in their head?

Or are they just raving lunatics
Who think that God is calling them?

God does not in my opinion
Talk to idiots

Nor should he tolerate these fools any more

God does not send us hurricanes or tornadoes
To punish us

That is beneath his pay grade

God is god and is mysterious
And if he speaks to us at all

We surely do not understand
Anything he says

As we have surely screwed up
The teachings of his prophets

So, I wish to end this by saying
Oh, you false prophets


God is not calling you
And never has

Just SFTU already

God in My Coffee

One dismal demented morning
As I contemplated the dawning day

Trying to wake up from the nightmares
That have been haunting my every night

I reached for my morning cup of hot coffee
And as I drank my morning poison

My snarling sarcastic cup of java
Frying my neurons with caffeine

I saw God
He had the look – tall white hair beard
And those piercing blue eyes
Starting at you with the thousand-year stare
Of the truly committed

Yes, it was God himself
In the bottom of my cup of coffee
And he was smiling at me
Beckoning me to join him

And so, I jumped into my cup
And went through the door

And found myself
In a giant hallway
Filled with Mr. Smith like
angels working on computers

Programing the day’s plans
I asked where I could find God

They told me that I had an appointment
And I went down the hallway

And found myself in another room
And found God sitting there
Waiting for me

He offered me coffee
And we drank coffee

And talked about this and that
I asked him what he wanted

He said nothing but my understanding
And patience

And told me that I was lost
But would be found soon

And told me to go back home
And wait for his signal

For the revolution was coming
And I would lead God’s forces

And then I found myself
Back at home
And drank another cup of coffee

Disgraced evangelist Jim Bakker warns critics they will face God’s wrath for making fun of him

In video captured by Right Wing Watch, disgraced evangelist Jim Bakker raged at his critics saying, they will face the wrath of God for mocking his End Time warnings and making fun of him throughout his checkered career.
Not mentioning his time in the wilderness, after he spent time in prison after bilking his followers out of $158 million, Bakker boasted that he has made many predictions — including 9/11 — that have come true, and that he is not being treated like the prophet he is.
“When God says something to you, you don’t always know the exact time it’s going to happen,” Bakker thundered. “[So] stop beating up the prophets because God says, ‘Woe unto you when you beat up on the prophets.’”
Bakker then threatened damnation on those who have ridiculed him over the years.
“If you don’t want to hear it, just shut me off,” Bakker said. “Especially you folks that monitor me every day to try to destroy me. Just go away. You don’t have to be there, you don’t have to hear it. But one day, you’re going to shake your fist in God’s face and you’re going to say, ‘God, why didn’t you warn me?’ And He’s going say, ‘You sat there and you made fun of Jim Bakker all those years. I warned you but you didn’t listen.’”

God Talks to Rev. Bakker

Rev. Bakker says

When God says something to you,
you don’t always know the exact time it’s going to happen,”
Bakker thundered.

“[So] stop beating up the prophets because God says,
‘Woe unto you when you beat up on the prophets.’”

God just called me up this morning with a message
He said,

Jake. This is God speaking
I loved your poem,
“God Does Not Talk to Idiots.”

God, I don’t even know if you exist
How did you get my number?

I am God you idiot and know everything
Or course, God Sir.

What’s up your royal highness?
Just God would do for now, Jake

So Jake, I have a message for Rev. Bakker
And I want you to deliver it

You can email it in
As I am sure he will not like it at all

Why can’t you deliver it?

Because God roared
“I don’t talk to idiots.”

What’s the message?

Quit using my name in vain
Quit saying I call you
Quit saying I talk with you

I don’t know you from Adam
And I don’t like you

How dare you swindle 185 million dollars
From your followers
Using my good name

You sir are an asshole
And Satan has a room for you
Just confirmed it this morning

Oh my more thing, this article says
Bakker then threatened damnation
on those who have ridiculed him over the years.
“If you don’t want to hear it, just shut me off,” Bakker said.

God laughed and said to me
I will shut him up for good for sure
And my TV is set to delete his face

Every time I turn it on
Tell him that as well

Rev. Baaker also said

“Especially you folks that monitor me every day to try to destroy me.
And tell him that I am one of those who monitor him every day

God went on to say,

tell him

And I do want to destroy him

He is bad for the whole brand you know?

Bakker went on to say

Just go away.
You don’t have to be there, you don’t have to hear it.
But one day, you’re going to shake your fist in God’s face
and you’re going to say, ‘God, why didn’t you warn me?’

God said,

Tell him that is rich coming from such a con man
I have been warning people against these shysters
For centuries – it is in the bible after all

Baaker went on,

And He’s going say,
‘You sat there and you made fun of Jim Bakker all those years.
I warned you but you didn’t listen

God said,

Yes Rev. Bakker warned you repeatedly ad nauseum
Until I wanted to vomit

But thought it would be best
to just let him rot in prison.
Give him a taste of hell to come.”

“So Jake, will you accept this cosmic commission?”

Sure thing God.

And that ended my conversation with God

So Rev. Bakker, here’s the deal. God is angry at you
And your friends for misrepresenting the word of God

All these years and for ripping for the gullible
And living the high life getting rich off your believers

I’d repent of your sins I were you
and I’d follow God’s parting words

Finally just tell Rev. Bakker and his fellow false prophets
STFU before I smite you to Hell”

end Letter to Paula White


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