Go Bold or Go Home!

Go Bold or Go Home

kamala harris

Cosmos’s 2025 Predictions

Dear Kamala,

I am writing to you to offer you my advice for winning the nomination and the Presidency.  I believe you have the potential to be our next President and I hope you take this advice to heart.  I would love to discuss it with you or your staff at an appropriate time.

I retired from the U.S. State Department in 2016 after 27 years of service.  I grew up in Berkeley went to college at the University of the Pacific and graduated from the University of Washington (MA Korean Studies, MPA).  I also served in the Peace Corps in Korea. I have been to 49 out of 50 states (minus Alaska) and 45 countries, including two visits to Jamaica.

My advice, in a nutshell, is to make this a generational change election like in 1960, and in 2008.  Paint your opponent Donald Trump as yesterday’s candidate, and mock him, calling on Grandpa Trump to retire to Florida and play golf. Depict him as senile, out of touch, and focused on returning America to the 19th Century. And I would also call upon Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren to retire from the field and let the next generation battle it out to become the nominee.

You are the product of the 21st Century and proud of it. Embrace your multicultural roots and embrace the wonderful diversity of your home town Oakland.  Embrace Californian values as American values for the 21st century.

Then regarding policy proposals


I would put forth a series of comprehensive bold future-oriented policies and reiterate them every chance you get.   You could call them

Kamala’s Plan for the Future of America, or something along those lines.


“Let’s Boldly Go into the Future,”

But be big, bold, brassy, optimistic and challenge your opponents to produce a better plan or shut up and work with you to solve the nation’s problems.

Call for Free College Education Coupled With National Service Requirements.

Call for all Americans to serve three years in public service either in the military or in the government or NGO sector and in return, they will get four years of college paid for.   For recent grads, they can serve and get their college debt forgiven.

To those who say we can’t afford this, say we can’t afford to continue to put our college students in crippling debt they cannot afford.   And everyone, especially the rich, should shoulder the burden of national service.

Call for The Green New Deal

Point out time and time again China, Germany, and other countries are building the green energy resources of the future while the U.S. which invented green energy is moving back to the 19th century.

When critics say we can’t afford this, tell them we can’t afford to ruin the world for our children’s future. We can’t afford to continue burning fossil fuels. Climate change is real and the U.S. must lead the way forward. That is what great nations do, lead the world in embracing change, in embracing the promise of the future. We can do no less.

Call to Fix Obama Care

Point out time and time again that we still have a broken down too expensive too burdensome a health care system.  Point out time and time again that we have the most expensive system in the world yet we are about 25th in terms of health care outcomes.  No one in this land should fear going bankrupt if they need to get medical care. We can do this right and we must do it right.

One potential fix would be to open the Federal Health Care system to anyone who needs insurance and continue to provide subsidies to keep the premiums down.

Another option would be an expansion of Medicare so it covers about half the country.

When Republicans proclaim that they will repeal Obamacare and replace it with something, call them on their bullshit.  Demand to know the plan now or tell them to shut up and work with you to fix Obamacare.

Call to repair our alliances

Declare that our allies are our allies and our friends and we will work with them to solve the world’s problems and restore American leadership.  We will rejoin the Paris Climate Change and work to make sure it works.  We will rejoin the Trans Pacific Partnership.

Offer a New Deal to North Korea, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela  

We will continue to negotiate with the North Koreans, offering them a way towards reunification with South Korea and rejoining the world economic community.

Offer to Talk with The Iranians

Tell the Iranians we are ready to talk with them and want a new deal that would benefit them and the U.S. along the lines of what we are offering the North Koreans.

Bring the Troops Home

I would call for most U.S. troops to return to the U.S., where they will be reposted along our borders and serve as adjunct border patrol agents and first responders as part of their mandatory new national service.

Rebuild America

I would gradually reduce military spending and devote resources to rebuilding America’s crumbling infrastructure.

This must include high-speed trains, and must include perhaps hyperloop technology or Maglev trains?  And the next generation of airplanes as well.  We must rebuild our mass transit systems. We must embrace the development of driverless vehicles.

When the Republican scream you are weakening national security call them out on their BS. Ask them how repositioning troops to help deal with national security issues at home weakens national security?  How does going to universal military service weaken national security?  How does getting out of endless wars weaken national security?  How does closing a few bases in Europe weaken national security?  Or closing a golf course? Or a commissary? Point out that we already spend more on national security than any other nation on earth.  How does rebuilding America’s failed infrastructure weaken national security?  Challenge them to produce a better plan.

Call for Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Start by acknowledging we need to improve security at the border but the wall is a waste of time and money that will not solve the problem.  We need a comprehensive 21st century immigration policy that balances the need for continued immigration with the need to ensure that immigrants contribute to our country and enrich our country as they always have and always will.

Challenge the Republicans to come up a better plan and work with you to implement it.

Call For A Return To Space Including Lunar Colonies And Martian Colonies

It is time for the U.S. to lead the world again in space exploration.  Offer to lead the way in building lunar and Martian colonies with the participation of the world’s other space powers.

Call for The Legalization Of Marijuana, Emptying The Prisons Of Marijuana Offenders

End the endless war on drugs.  Repeal marijuana prohibition.  Empty the prisons of marijuana offenders.   End the private prison for profit system.   End the prison pipeline that sweeps up brown and black youths and sucks them into prison for life.   Reserve prisons for the most dangerous offenders, all other prisoners should be sentenced to community service, drug treatment or other non-prison sentences.

Use the money saved by closing prisons for rebuilding infrastructure.

Gun Control

I like your gun control proposals. It is a step forward. Continue to push for universal background checks.

Fully Support LGBT rights

Fully Support the religious freedom of all Americans including non-believers

Call for a Return to traditional American civil norms that Trump has so badly damaged

call on Trump to retire to Florida to play golf

regarding how to deal with Trump, gentle mockery is in order.  it drives him crazy.  just respond,

“there he goes again”.  or, “time to retire, Old man.”  “I hear that golfing is fun once you are retired.”

For VP Pick a Man

To get elected you need to appeal to men as well as women and to appeal to white people as well as minorities.  So, for your VP pick, I’d be a bit cautious and go with a white man, perhaps a Hispanic man.  I’d pick a governor from the Midwest. Perhaps the governor of Colorado?   Picking Mayor Pete would be a bold move.

I think that you get my point by now. Be bold, inventive, optimistic, full of hope and energy and you will prevail.

Stay away from the professionals. Don’t play it safe. Be real, in your face, and authentic East Bay. Groove to Tower of Power on the campaign trail!  Keep it real, my dear.  100 percent real you.

More Soul Power for You!

Be cautious, small-minded, narrowly focused and you will lose.  In short,



Jake Cosmos Aller



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